there is no planet B
Normalising growing our own food
Not putting time and energy into fighting the existing system, getting busy building the new one!
Life B is about moving toward alignment with nature, collectively participating in the provision of our own food and revising and updating our culture.
Once you you start growing your food locally, working together and sharing resources the world has begun to change.
One of our most basic needs is food security, we need local and regionally coordinated, gardening and organic farming, broadening the self-sufficiency paradigm into a more community-sufficiency one.
We need to get real about our relationship with nature and become honorable partners in it.
We are about co-gardening, workshops, farmers markets, pot lucks, skill sharing and generally having each others backs in real and meaningful ways.
So if you’re the owner of a property that holds these values, or a person that would like to find somewhere to practise this lifestyle, you’ve come the right place. Life B is the network that brings us together.
The basics of Life B is that instead of an ecovillage that covers perhaps dozens of hectares and is populated by a large number of people, an ecovillage can be made up of many dozens of properties over a wide area, the people supporting one another, in the form of food growing/swapping, garden sharing, labour sharing, skill sharing. Regular get togethers.
When we grow and share our own food we’re not affected by inflation or supply chains. We get to eat fresher, more nutritious, less processed food, we get to spend time with others and reap the physical and social rewards.
Like a mycelial network of micro ecovillages, clusters and threads of self sufficiency and eco authenticity, where we are learning and working together to feed ourselves as nature intended.
We want to provide a starting point for the organizing layer, creating connections and build the network that will foster the growth and stability of this incredibly important part of our lives .
Maybe some you are doing already or would like to achieve this year or perhaps by 2025.
99% food self sufficiency, grown locally i.e. 10-50km
Zero plastic
Off grid/low energy
Regular local meetings/potluck (weekly – monthly)
Regional whole day get-togethers, farmer markets/swap meets (monthly – 3 monthly)
Learn/teach; woodworking, sewing, cheesemaking, bee keeping, offgrid power, music, spinning, blacksmith, pottery, arts, crafts & trades of all kinds.
Growing food: Vegetables, fruit, nuts, mushrooms, cheese, chickens, composting, seed security, fermenting, preserving and drying…..
We are starting Life B here in New Zealand and hope the idea and the network will spread across oceans and borders everywhere.
Regional areas that are small enough for groups to get together, swap produce, teach and learn, plan, coordinate and celebrate, but also big enough that real food security is achieved.
Wanting participatory experience of the self sufficient lifestyle.
looking for somewhere to settle and try the lifestyle for a longer time.
living on your own land and want to be part of a wider network
You’re a land owner and offer wwoofing placements.
Someone who would like to be involved in the organising, promotion, network or other admin of
Group Life B
You can, if you want, Join Cohabitat. A long term hands on workshop, on how to start and maintain a self sufficient ecologically sound village.
Participation cost $10k and up.
You and 20 or more others get something like 20-300 hectares to work with.
Like a reality survival game show , but it’s not a game and there is no show.
Like a mycelial network of micro ecovillages distributed across the planet, clusters and threads of self sufficiency and eco authenticity.